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How Old Do You Have To Be To Bungee Jump?

Although bungee jumping is a lot of fun, it is risky. As you might assume, this extreme activity is constrained by a number of safety laws, some of which address age restrictions. I wanted to research the various age limitations throughout the world since I adore bungee jumping. In light of this, what is the minimum age requirement for bungee jumping? Yes, there are in many nations. Let’s look more closely.

What age must you be to bungee jump? The legal age restriction for bungee jumping varies by nation. While there is no legal minimum age in the US, it is 14 in the UK. Under-18 bungee jumpers often require documented parental approval. In Australia, children as young as 10 may bungee jump!

History Of Bungee Jumping

How Old Do You Have To Be To Bungee Jump

In the Pacific islands of the Antipodes, bungee jumping became a popular extreme sport. Young men from Pentecost Island (Vanuatu) would leap off towering wooden platforms while only being bound by vine leaves at their ankles as a test of their bravery. The length of the vine was chosen such that the young man’s hair touched the ground just as the elasticity of the vine reached its maximum.

Although daredevils had previously attempted bungee jumps (in Bristol, England, from the city’s famous Clifton Suspension Bridge; and in the USA, from the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco), the first commercial jumps happened in New Zealand, a nation that is frequently regarded as the Mecca of contemporary extreme sport, in the second half of the 1980s.

At fact, A.J. Hackett founded the world’s first commercial bungee operation in Queenstown on New Zealand’s South Island. It wouldn’t be incorrect to refer to New Zealander Hackett as the originator of bungee jumping, or at least its contemporary incarnation. In 1986, he made an attempt at his first leap from Auckland’s Greenhithe Bridge.

Later, Hackett would attempt leaps from other bridges and large buildings (including the Eiffel Tower), and his daring actions played a significant role in popularizing the sport.


An elastic rope, which is actually a braided shock cable, is linked to the jumper’s ankle and forms the majority of a bungee jump. Natural rubber is utilized to make the majority of bungee cords (used due to its elasticity). A torso harness and a leg harness, which are attached to the cord, are used for bungee jumping (back-up for the ankle attachment, for safety purposes).


Each bungee operation would have varied minimum criteria depending on the height jumped as well as the difficulty of the leap. As long as you’re in good condition and shape, the lowest age is often 12 to 14 years old, and the maximum weight is typically 110 kg. The minimum weight requirement is 35 kg.

Medical Concerns

It is advised against doing the leap if you have a heart ailment, epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes, a neurological illness, or are pregnant.

Ecological Concerns

Remember the two golden commandments of bungee jumping: don’t litter, and leave your local area as you found it, whether you’re bungee jumping in the city or outside of it. Please tidy up any non-biodegradable rubbish you notice around (carry it out with you). And stop damaging the rocks in order to flaunt your daring!

Do You Have To Be 18 To Bungee Jump?

The minimum age to bungee jump is not 18. However, if you are under 18, you will often need formal parental authorization in order to bungee jump.

The age requirements for each country and location are stated in a table that can be found by scrolling down the page.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Do A Bungee Jump In The Uk?

In the UK, the earliest age at which someone can go bungee jumping is 14. However, if you are between the ages of 14 and 16, you must have parental permission and be accompanied by an adult when using the site. In the UK, it is illegal for anybody under the age of 14 to bungee jump.

Although there isn’t a set legal maximum age for bungee jumping in the UK, certain operators may have their own limitations.

For instance, some bungee firms only permit those over 65 to jump with a doctor’s written authorization. Before scheduling a jump, many operators also suggest that anyone over 50 have a medical checkup.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Bungee Jump In America?

In America, there is no set age requirement for bungee jumping. Operators, however, require both written authorization and parental approval if you are under 18 years old. Many operators will not let jumpers under the age of 14 in.

In fact, bungee jumping is forbidden in several states. This was a reaction to several accidents that had place in the 1990s. Many operators will only let you bungee jump in tandem with an experienced jumper in states where it is permitted to do so.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Do A Bungee Jump Off From Rio Grande Bridge, New Mexico?

One must be 18 to 65 years old to partake in bungee jumping from the Rio Grande Bridge in New Mexico. For jumpers under the age of 18, a parent’s signature is required on the corporate waiver. To engage in this hazardous activity, anyone over 65 must be in good health and have a medical release.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Bungee Jump Off The Stratosphere?

You must be 14 years of age or older to bungee jump off The Stratosphere. Between the ages of 14 and 17, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. A parental consent document must be signed by them before you may jump.

One of the highest structures in the world, the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, is a popular spot for bungee jumping. However, there are certain age limitations in place as you may anticipate.

At What Age You’Re Allowed To Do Bungee Jumping In South Africa?

In South Africa, jumpers must be at least 14 years old to partake in the sport. Some providers accept customers as young as 12 years old. Young jumpers between the ages of 18 and 14 require parental permission to jump. They can either bring their parents along or provide a letter from their parents giving permission.

At What Age You’Re Allowed To Do Bungee Jumping In New Zealand?

In several locations in New Zealand, participants as young as 10 years old can bungee jump. However, in order to engage in bungee jumping, youngsters between the ages of 14 and 10 must have parental permission or go with an adult.

In New Zealand, there is no set upper age restriction for bungee jumpers. Participants 75 years of age or above are given a free leap at Auckland Harbour Bridge by the operators. In this situation, it is advisable to have the doctor’s consent document with you.

At What Age You’Re Allowed To Do Bungee Jumping In Australia?

In many locations around Australia, bungee jumping is permitted for participants as young as 10 years old. However, bungee jumping requires parental permission for anybody under the age of 18. A participant must also provide written confirmation from their doctors attesting to their physical fitness and lack of a history of heart issues.

At What Age You’Re Allowed To Do Bungee Jumping From Macau Tower Of China?

Children must be at least 13 years old to bungee jump from the Macau Tower of China. However, participants under the age of 18 must present a letter of approval from their parents.

A person as young as 14 is often allowed to partake in this sport where it is permitted. similar to the USA, Australia, the UK, Costa Rica, etc. For safety regulations, young players must have parental approval, nevertheless. In the majority of nations, the legal maximum age is either 50 or 65.

What About Upper Age Limits For Bungee Jumping?

Can you be too old to bungee jump, even if you’re probably not shocked that there are lower age restrictions? The fact is that there is no legal maximum age in any of the nations and regions that we looked at for this article.

Some operators, though, will have requirements. Here are a few statements made by operators regarding maximum ages.

  • Before jumping, jumpers over 50 should see a physician.
  • Over-65s must get their doctor’s written authorization before jumping.

There is no upper age restriction for bungee jumping; instead, the operators will have imposed their own limitations.

What About How Much You Weigh?

Weight limitations will vary by operator and location. We conducted research on the most well-known bungee companies worldwide and developed a global average for both the minimum and maximum weight restrictions.

Is a bungee jump scary?

Yes, bungee jumping will be quite terrifying for a beginner, but after you’ve done it, you won’t ever be afraid to do it again. So, in order to get a true bungee jumping experience, you must leap off of a very, very high object.

What Are The Risks Of Bungee Jumping?

Failure of the equipment is a typical issue in adventure sports.
Skydivers who land hard run the danger of suffering sprains, dislocations, broken hands or legs, as well as bumps and bruises.
Winds that change suddenly or abruptly are the main factor in fatal skydiving accidents.

Which Is More Dangerous, Skydiving Or Bungee Jumping?

Key distinction: Bungee jumping and skydiving are both exhilarating sports. According to statistics, Bungee Jumping is riskier and more dangerous than skydiving. While acrobatic acts are performed while skydiving, they are not done when bungee jumping. Skydiving, commonly known as parachuting, can be played for fun or for competition.

Is bungee jumping bad for your spine?
A bungee jump puts your neck at danger, and injuries to it can range from minor to serious. The final portion of the leap can exert enough force on the delicate region of your body that links your brain to your spinal cord to put pressure on your neck muscles, induce discomfort, and temporarily reduce range of motion.


Except in Costa Rica, bungee jumping is not a requirement for age. The minimum jumping age appears to be 14 years old in the majority of nations. However, most of these locations need a release that must be completed by a parent or guardian for anybody under the age of 18.

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