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Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski?

It is not at all unexpected that the majority of water activity enthusiasts, particularly first-time buyers, know relatively little about jet ski licenses.

People of all ages rush to the waterfront during boating season. Many of them could be eager to board a Jet Ski, WaveRunner, or other Personal Watercraft (PWC). Ask yourself if you have a license before you go on a PWC. If the answer is no, it is prohibited to use a PWC on American waterways.

Understanding which boating regulations apply to PWCs might be even more challenging. A PWC is a boat by definition, despite the fact that most people wouldn’t agree. PWCs are regarded as tiny boats with an inboard jet as their main means of propulsion.

PWCs may be equally as dangerous as bigger watercraft, if not more so. They caused 19% of all boating accidents in 2019, resulting in 660 fatalities. Knowing how to drive small boats securely is essential while sharing the canal with bigger boats. You’ll learn how to properly navigate the waterways by taking the boater safety course necessary to obtain your boating license.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski?

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski

In many places, you do indeed need a license to operate a jet ski. Be aware that while licensing is required in many places, it is not required at all in others. Whether or not you must take a safety course and licensure exam also depends on your age. But even if a jet ski license is not needed in your state, getting one is strongly advised!

Safety is of the utmost importance while you are on the water. Before you get on your jet ski, take the exam. At the absolute least, it will save you time and money. It can protect you and others safe.

Facts About Jet Ski Licenses

The conditions for obtaining a jet ski license appear to be unclear to many people. A jet ski may not resemble a boat, but it is a sort of watercraft, and they are categorized as boats legally. Consequently, the regulations that apply to a 50-foot yacht also apply to jet skis!

Personal watercrafts were involved in 19 percent of boating incidents in 2019, which resulted in 660 fatalities. Because much bigger boats must share the waterways with these little boats, it’s crucial to know how to control them securely and lawfully. You’ll be ready to drive if you have your life jacket and a boating license.

A Jet Ski license cannot be obtained through a separate course. It is covered in the NASBLA-approved boating safety course in your state. Depending on the state, age is the main factor in determining who requires a boating license to drive a personal watercraft. However, your state may also consider the following:

  • Vessel type
  • Vessel length
  • Supervision of license owners
  • Age of supervised license owners
  • Driver’s license

There are additional restrictions, some state-specific, that are specifically applicable to PWCs in addition to the necessity for a boating license or certificate:

Type I, II, III, or V personal flotation device certified by the U.S. Coast Guard (no inflatables)
Ignition safety switch
Who can ride or be towed on a personal watercraft depends on the time of day

Your state’s law enforcement agency may punish you for failing to adhere to those conditions or for operating without a license at all. If you receive many tickets, you may have to pay a fine and complete a boating safety course. You may save time, money, and avoid hurting yourself or someone else by taking the course before you go out on the lake.

How To Get A Jet Ski License Online

The following are detailed guidelines for applying for a jet ski license online:

Choosing Your State: Select the proper state and register for free. In addition to creating online boating safety courses that have been acknowledged and certified in more than 40 states as well as the boating safety organizations of Canada, Boat-Ed also created printed materials for the U.S. Coast Guard’s boating licensing safety course.

You may complete the online boating safety course using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Learning boating safety is made easy by the engaging program.

Get a Boating License: If you successfully complete the course, you’ll be one step closer to being able to ride your jet ski on the water. You will get your certificate or boater education card in the mail once you have satisfactorily completed all the educational requirements.

FAQs About PWC Licenses

These 50 state laws are applicable. Keep in mind that most states normally allow you to ride if you have a license from your home state. But if your residence changes, you’ll likely need to recertify.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Alabama?

A personal watercraft may not be operated by anybody under the age of 12 in Alabama. Those between the ages of 12 and 13 must travel with an adult who is at least 21 years old. A vessel license is required to operate a PWC alone and is available to those over the age of 14. (Source)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Alaska?

To operate a personal watercraft in Alaska, you must be at least 14 years old, unless you are with an adult who is at least 18 years old. There is no minimum age requirement in Alaska to take the Boating License and Safety Course. (Link)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Arizona?

A parent, legal guardian, or someone older than 18 must be present for anybody under the age of 12 to operate a PWC in Arizona. (Source)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Arkansas?

In Arkansas, anyone between the ages of 12 and 15 may operate a PWC under the supervision of an adult over the age of 18. You must be 16 years of age or older to operate a PWC on your own.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In California?

You must be older than 16 and possess a California Boater Card in order to legally operate a personal watercraft in California. (Source)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Colorado?

You must be at least 16 years old to take a safety course and earn a Boater Education Card in order to operate a PWC in Colorado.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Connecticut?

You need a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation to use a PWC in Connecticut. This is authorized in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Delaware?

To drive a PWC in Delaware, you must be at least 14 years old and have successfully completed a boating safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Florida?

To operate a PWC in Florida, you must have a Florida Boating License and be at least 14 years old. (Acquire a permit)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Georgia?

Any Georgia resident who is at least 16 years old and has a valid form of identification, like a driver’s license, is allowed to operate a PWC.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Hawaii?

To obtain a boating license in Hawaii, you must be 15 years old and successfully complete both an online course and an extra safety course. When driving a PWC, you must maintain your license on you.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Idaho?

In Idaho, you must be 16 years old and wear safety gear, such as a helmet and a life jacket, when operating a PWC. (Source)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Illinois?

To operate a PWC alone in Illinois, you must be 13 years old or older. It can be used by those between the ages of 10 and 12 as long as their guardianship or parents are present.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Indiana?

In Indiana, you need to pass a boating safety course and be at least 15 years old if you don’t have a driver’s license. (Source)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Iowa?

To drive a PWC in Iowa, you must pass a boating education course if you are between the ages of 12 and 17.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Kansas?

To operate a PWC in Kansas, you must be at least 12 years old. A parent or legal guardian must keep an eye on anyone under the age of 12.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Kentucky?

To operate a PWC in Kentucky, you must be at least 12 years old. You must receive a Kentucky Safe Boating Certificate Card if you are between the ages of 12 and 17.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Louisiana?

To operate a PWC in Louisiana, you must be at least 16 years old and have successfully completed the required boater education course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Maine?

To operate a personal watercraft in Maine, you must be at least 16 years old. If you are between the ages of 16 and 18, you must either pass a boater education course or be with a boater who is at least 18 years old.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Maryland?

In Maine, you must be 16 years of age or older and possess a boating safety certificate in order to drive a PWC.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Massachusetts?

To operate a PWC in Massachusetts, you must be at least 16 years old. Ages 16 and 17 need completion of a marine safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Michigan?

To drive a PWC in Michigan, you must be at least 16 years old and have a boating safety certificate.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Minnesota?

To operate a PWC in Minnesota, you must be at least 13 years old and possess a Minnesota Boater Card.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Mississippi?

To drive a PWC in Mississippi, you must pass a boating safety course and be at least 12 years old. Children under the age of 12 require the supervision of an adult 21 years or older.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Missouri?

A boater education course can be completed at any age in Missouri. You must pass the training and be above 14 to drive a PWC unsupervised.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Montana?

If you are 13 years old or older, you are allowed to operate a PWC in Montana. Ages 13 and 14 need completion of a boater education program.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Nebraska?

To operate a PWC in Nebraska, you must be at least 14 years old and in possession of a Nebraska Boater Education Card.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Nevada?

In Nebraska, you must be 14 years old or older and have completed a boater education course before operating a PWC unsupervised.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In New Hampshire?

To drive a PWC in New Hampshire, you must be at least 16 years old and have successfully completed a boater safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In New Jersey?

To drive a PWC in New Jersey, you must be at least 16 years old and have successfully completed a boater safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In New Mexico?

To operate a PWC in New Mexico, you must be at least 13 years old.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In New York?

You need to be at least 14 years old and have a boating safety certificate from either New York or your home state in order to operate a boat in New York.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In North Carolina?

To operate a PWC in North Carolina, you must be older than 14. Ages 14 to 16 require completion of an authorized boating safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In North Dakota?

To drive a PWC in North Dakota, you must pass the boating safety course and be above 12 years old.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Ohio?

In Ohio, those between the ages of 12 and 15 are permitted to drive a PWC under supervision after passing a boating safety course. Anyone who is 16 years old or older may operate a PWC unattended.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Oklahoma?

To operate a PWC in Oklahoma, you must be at least 12 years old. To operate a personal watercraft, a boater education card is required for those between the ages of 12 and 15.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Oregon?

To operate a personal watercraft in Oregon, you must be at least 16 years old and have a boater education card.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Pennsylvania?

To drive a PWC in Pennsylvania, you must have completed a boating safety course and be at least 12 years old.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Rhode Island?

Anyone above the age of 18 may operate a PWC alone and without a safety certificate in Rhode Island. Between the ages of 16 and 17, a boating safety course is required.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In South Carolina?

To operate a personal watercraft in South Carolina, you must be at least 16 years old and have completed a boater education course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In South Dakota?

In South Dakota, you must be at least 14 years old and have completed a boater education course before operating a PWC.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Tennessee?

To operate a PWC in Tennessee, you must be at least 12 years old and have completed a boater education course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Texas?

To operate a PWC in Texas, you must be at least 13 years old and have completed a boater education course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Utah?

You must be older than 16 in Utah to operate a PWC unattended. Between the ages of 16 and 17, participants must finish a boater education program. (Link)

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Vermont?

To operate a personal watercraft in Vermont, you must be older than 16 and have a boater safety certificate.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Virginia?

To operate a PWC on your own in Virginia, you must be older than 16 years old. To achieve this, individuals between the ages of 14 and 15 must successfully complete an authorized boating safety course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Washington?

To drive a PWC in Washington, you must be older than 14 and have completed a boater education course.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In West Virginia?

To operate a PWC unattended in West Virginia, you must be 15 years old or older. 12 to 14-year-olds must take a safety training and be under adult supervision.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, if a 12- to 15-year-old has successfully completed a boating safety course, they are permitted to drive a PWC. Those who are 16 years old and older can operate a PWC unattended.

Do You Need A License To Drive A Jet Ski In Wyoming?

If you are older than 16, you are permitted to use a PWC in Wyoming. You must be under the adult’s supervision if you are under the age of 16. There is no boating education requirement in this state.

Final Thoughts

When operating any kind of watercraft on the sea, safety should always come first. For this reason, we strongly advise anybody purchasing a jet ski to acquire a PWC license, which essentially serves as confirmation that the individual has completed and passed a boating safety course.

Remember to get all the appropriate safety gear in addition to your license so that you can guarantee everyone’s safety on the water.

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